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workshop: developing resilience
Thank you for attending our workshop on developing resilience in your early careers talent
Here is some content we hope you'll find useful...
Tools and resources
Your feedback
If you didn't have time to fill out a feedback form on the day - or have reflected some more on the event, please do so here...
Sara's book list
Stephen R Covey - The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People
Ryan Holiday - The Obstacle is the Way
Dr. Spencer Johnson - Who Moved My Cheese?
Eric Berne - Games People Play
Pete Lindsay & Mark Bawden - Pig Wrestling: The brilliantly simple way to solve any problem… and create the change you need
Martin E. P. Seligman Flourish: A new understanding of happiness and well-being - and how to achieve them
Thomas A Harris I'm OK - You're OK
Prof Steve Peters - The Chimp Paradox
Nancy Kline - Time to Think
Les Duggan and Mark Solomons -Building Resilience
William Glasser - Choice Theory
Cheri B Torres - The Appreciative Facilitator: A handbook for facilitators and teachers
Lindsay West - Coaching with Values
John Whittington - Systemic Coaching and Constellations: The Principles, Practices and Application for Individuals, Teams and Groups
Andrew Scott - Shifting Stories
Valerie Young - The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women
Sir John Whitmore - Coaching for Performance
Stephen R Covey - The Speed of Trust: The one thing that changes everything
Viktor E Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning
Malcolm Gladwell - Blink
Simon Sinek - Start with Why
Rosalind Cardinal - The Resilient Employee: The essential guide to coping with change and thriving in today's workplace
some of our flips...
Now when is the next FULL MOON?
Our report focuses on ways we can help young people build their resilience.
Early careers talent
We work with over 4000 apprentices, grads and future leaders every year. Working on the skills and behaviours they need to succeed in your workplace.