🚧 Major Gifts

Major Gifts

You can help young people to defy their limitations

Being young has never been easy. We all needed a Friend. And if you're a disadvantaged young person in the UK today, you need one more than most. A Friend who can help you reach your potential. Someone to show you that you can take on whatever life throws at you with confidence, resilience and self-belief. That's where you come in.

Become a friend of Outward Bound

You can help young people to defy their limitations and realise they're capable of more. Donate today and your gift will mean more disadvantaged young people from across the UK will attend a life-changing Outward Bound programme this year. Whether you choose to support young people as a Friend, a Best Friend or as Family...

You can show them what's possible.

You can change lives like Ryan's
You can help young people like Ruky

Help young people

Would you like to be a Friend, Best Friend or Family? Do you have questions about Becoming a Friend of Outward Bound? Simply fill in this short form and Kristina will be in touch.

The reality for many young people

Young people at their best are strong, resilient, curious and ready for the challenges that life throws at them.

But many are facing crippling levels of loneliness, where 1 in 5 will experience a serious mental health issue annually. 75% also spend less time outdoors than prison inmates. As a result, the majority spend most of their waking hours in front of a screen. 84% feel overwhelmed when given any responsibility and 90% of school leavers are considered ‘unready’ for work.

The situation at home is also a significant contributor to these statistics. 30% of children in the UK are living in relative poverty with 1 in 4 parents facing a daily worry about being able to feed their children. Caught in this cycle, many young people feel they are no longer in control of their own lives.

You can show them a different reality.

Help young people

Would you like to be a Friend, Best Friend or Family? Simply fill in this short form and Elise will be in touch.

trusts and foundations

Over 80 trusts and foundations annually, of all sizes and interests, support our work with young people. Grants from these trusts and foundations enable over 1,900 young people a year, from underprivileged backgrounds and from across the UK, to benefit from an Outward Bound course.

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