🚧 Project co-ordinator

Project co-ordinator

Project co-ordinator

Location: Glasgow / central belt of Scotland
Salary: £24,000 - £31,500 pro rata for 41 weeks of the year (£18,920 - £24,830) depending on experience
Contract: Permanent, working 10 months of the year (off in May and July). You'll join this year on 5 January 2022
Applications in by: 9am, 15 November
Reach the shortlist and you'll be interviewed in person in central Glasgow or Fort William w/c 29 November

Who we're looking for

We need a smart, switched on, adaptable outdoor instructor with youth work experience to guide young people through their Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award. If supporting sixth year students from across the central belt to achieve this Scottish Government supported youth development award sounds good to you, then read on.

Young people on the Award

What you'll be doing

You’ll make sure the Award runs smoothly. You’ll co-ordinate and communicate with participants, groups and schools, keeping them involved and informed. You’ll recruit your participants from school, and prepare them for their residential course. You’ll then deliver a challenging Outward Bound Course for your groups. Back home you’ll then host weekly project group meetings to supervise their preparation, learning, planning and practical delivery of their community project. These meetings could be 'out of hours' and you will need to be able to travel independently across the central belt of Scotland.

A hugely rewarding project

This job is a mix of outdoor education, youth working, facilitation and managing groups of stakeholders to keep the projects on track. We're looking for someone the young people can trust, to support them through their learning journey.

The Mark Scott Leadership for Life Award has been developing and helping young people in Scotland for over 20 years. We don't think it's ever been needed more, to help them to reconnect, rebuild and recover after the pandemic.

How to apply

Download the full job description, and if you think this job is right for you, send us your current CV and an email or letter (no more than two sides of A4 please) letting us know why.

You've got until 9am 15 November 2021 to apply. If you make the shortlist, interviews will be held in person in central Glasgow or Fort William.

Applications and questions to steve.mackenzie@outwardbound.org.uk

PS - if this looks interesting, but there’s a little voice talking you out of applying, we’ll let you into a little secret: there’s no such thing as a perfect candidate. However you identify, if you think this is a role you could excel in and more importantly you’d be excited to do – then please get in touch.

You’ll also have to undertake a disclosure under Disclosure Scotland at PVG level.

800x500 MSLFLA community group
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400x500 MSLFLA community garden
400x250 MSLFLA community bench
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