🚧 Grow your pupils character

Character is not fixed

It grows in the wild.

We believe young people should excel in life and not just in exams.

When armed with strong character and resilience, they have the power to smash their potential.

Cultivate a strong character and success will follow. Imagine, if your pupils can overcome the challenges they face in the wild, there'll be no stopping them back in school!

Through our adventures, your pupils will blossom with traits like self-respect, honesty, integrity, courage, respect, kindness, generosity, curiosity and self-belief.

We use the outdoors to nurture them to better cope with stressful situations and help to develop strong and compassionate young people with the grit and determination to succeed.

Five days at Outward Bound will change your pupils.

Funding for your school

As a charity, we believe money should not be a barrier to success.

That's why we can help to fund character development through an Outward Bound course to those who really need it.

Suitable candidates need to meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Free school meals
  • Low-income family
  • English as a second language
  • Special educational needs
  • Poor educational attainment
  • At risk of offending
  • Ethnic minority backgrounds

Get in touch today

Find out more about how we can help you develop character in your pupils. Or ask us about our financial assistanace.

Free taster course

See for yourself how the wilderness can develop the superpowers young people need to thrive in school, work and life.

What exactly is character?

It's the word on everyone’s lips. Teachers are trying to develop it. Employers will pay more for it. But what exactly is it?