🚧 Stay At Home Outward Bound Expedition
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Stay At Home Outward Bound Expedition

@outwardbounduk #expedathome
Expeditions. It's in our nature.

We miss expeds. Packing a bag and taking a journey into the unknown. Where fun is earnt and it takes grit to achieve. The reward at the end: being in nature and an enormous sense of pride. You've conquered mountains and nothing beats it.

It's been over 10 months since we've taken young people on an overnight expedition. As the days mount up, our feet are getting itchy. It's part of our very DNA to push you outside your comfort zone through adventures in the wild.

To create your own Outward Bound expedition at home, you need:

  • Permission from your parent or guardian. Watch the video to find out what's involved.
  • Items to help you make a tent or a shelter. Use your imagination!
  • Something to keep you warm and cosy when in your shelter, like a duvet, blanket or sleeping bag.
  • Food and drink to savour once you're set up. You'll find ideas for creating some classic campfire munchies at home in the video.
  • An open mind. Give yourself time for your thoughts. Appreciate your hard work.

We're not going to lie. This experience will not be on the same level as being at Outward Bound. You might not be pushed outside your comfort zone, but planning and creating a camp at home will still help you build skills. Things like independence and resourcefulness. And the reward? A quiet space in all the noise and a sense of achievement.

Reflection exercises

You've created your camp. You're enjoying your well-earned hot chocolate. Now try out these exercises to help you to reflect on your hard work.

Grounding technique

When you are in your homemade shelter:

  • Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you.
  • Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch around you.
  • Acknowledge THREE things you hear.
  • Acknowledge TWO things you can smell.
  • Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste.

Rock, stick and leaf

Go outside and find a small rock, stick and a leaf. Think about something that has ‘rocked’ for you, something that will ‘stick’ with you and something you want to ‘leaf’ behind.

- Download free worksheet

Postcard to yourself

Write a postcard to remind yourself of what's happened - either whilst creating your expedition at home, or think about what's been happening for you during lockdown.

Answer these questions:

  • My favourite moments were:
  • Things I found the most challenging were:
  • My proudest moment was:
  • Things I have learnt are:
  • I will never forget:

- Download free worksheet

Share your exped experiences

We'd love to see your photos! Tag us into your social posts. @outwardbounduk #expedathome

Further Reading