🚧 Ken Farrar
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Ken Farrar - Ullswater, The Lake District, 1958

I attended an Outward Bound Course, Ullswater U32 from 25th August - 20th September 1958. I was a member of Whymper Patrol and I still have my personal Log book. I remember a Mr Tebbett on the staff.

The members of Whymber Patrol in the photo above are:

Left to Right

Back Row
John Powell (Rastus), Barry Austin, Jim Flannagan, Ashley Coombes, Albert Porter (Tick), Chris Simon.

Front Row
Ernie Treleaven, Mike Gyselynck, Kit Coleman, Pete Bennalluc, Ray Griffiths, Ken Farrar (me).

A schoolmate of mine was on the same course, Peter Scawen.

The course gave me a love of the outdoors, in particular, the Lake District and many experiences that I used in later years as a Scout Leader.

Ken Farrar (posted 09/05/2011)