🚧 Adventure Days

1000+ Days Of Adventure

We are no longer offering Adventure Days. However, we are offering residential Summer Adventure programmes. Find out more and browse our adventures here.


We’re providing over 1,000 Days of Adventure to give young people the chance to be more than they think.

As we navigate our way out of lockdown and COVID restrictions, we’re giving young people the opportunity to grab some outdoor adventure - Outward Bound style.

Thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters during this time of uncertainty, we can provide over 1,000 fully-funded outdoor Adventure Days for young people, for those eligible for free school meals and the young people who need this the most.

Our Outward Bound Adventure Days are also open to all 10-17 year olds, no matter your circumstances - all we ask is for a small payment of £30 to help cover the cost.

This is a chance for young people to focus on their mental wellbeing and get outdoors. A time for safe social interaction, to make new friends, have a break from screens – and perhaps most importantly – to have some fun in a safe, outdoor environment.

UPDATE ON AVAILABILITY: Sorry, there are no paid-for places remaining at Ullswater. If you're eligible for free school meals, you can still book. We also have paid-for places and free school meal places available at Aberdovey.

What activities will I be doing?

You Adventure Day will include a range of different challenging activities; these are dependent on a number of things including your chosen centre, the weather that day and your group's appetite for adventure.

Adventure Days may consist of one or more activities. To give you a flavour, adventures may involve:

  • Land-based activities, such as hill walking, rock climbing, abseiling and orienteering
  • Water-based activities, such as canoeing, kayaking, improvised rafting and wild swimming
  • Combined water-rock activities, such as ghyll scrambling/gorge walking or a lake rock scramble with cliff jumps

We just ask for you to come prepared for a fun and challenging day by keeping an open mind as to what exactly you will be doing. By the time you arrive your instructor will have considered the best options and planned a full day of adventure.

What dates do you have available?

Our Adventure Days will take place during the May/June half term break at our centres in the Lake District and North Wales.

I need transport to get to your centre, can you help?

Outward Bound is unable to provide transport to and from our centres.

However, if you live in Cumbria and need support in travelling to and from Ullswater, Cumbria County Council will be able to help you with this. To organise, let us know by emailing enquiries@outwardbound.org.uk and we will put you in touch with the relevant contact at Cumbria County Council.

Can I attend more than one Adventure Day?

Yes. You could come for one day or up to 7 days if there is availability. You don't need to come for consecutive days either.

To apply for more than one date, in the dropdown box, choose the first date you'd like to attend. In the relevant text box, type in the additional dates you would like to attend.

If you apply for more than one date, you will be asked to pay the remaining amount (if applicable) once your dates are confirmed.

I've already attended an Adventure Day, do I need to fill in the medical form again?

No, you don't need to fill in the medical form again. Simply email us at enquiries@outwardbound.org.uk to let us the date(s) you would like to attend and we'll send you a link for payment. Once we've received your payment, we will confirm your place.

Can I book for a group of young people?

Unfortunately not. We are only taking individual bookings for our Adventure Days. If you wish to book with a friend it would be best to complete both young people's names on the same application (you can book up to three young people when you apply).

Can my friend or sibling be in the same group as me?

We will do our best to accommodate any requests for siblings and/or friends to be in the same group (if received in advance) but unfortunately, we can't guarantee this and are unable to change any groups on the day of the adventure.

I don't live close to your centre, can I stay overnight?

No, unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we are unable to offer any overnight accommodation in our centres, including camping in our grounds.

What kit and clothing do I need to bring with me?

You do not need to bring any specialist kit with you as that will all be provided. Bring with you the right clothing to allow you to take part in a range of activities:

Arrive wearing clothes you are happy to get wet and wear under a wetsuit, for example, a t-shirt and shorts or leggings, so that you are ready for any water-based activities.

Bring a pair of trainers that you can get wet. You will need shoes with a decent hard sole that offer protection around the whole foot and will not fall off when doing activities. Please don't bring sandals, flip flops or water shoes as they do not offer enough protection.

A towel and a spare change of clothes including a spare pair of shoes or trainers.

Walking boots, long thick socks, a waterproof jacket, waterproof trousers, and a warm jacket or jumper. If you do not have walking boots and waterproofs, we can supply, but in response to COVID-19 guidelines, it is preferable you bring your own if possible. Make sure you still bring a long pair of thick socks and a warm top.

Avoid cotton clothing as much as possible as it is very ineffective when wet – it is heavy, uncomfortable and offers very little warmth. Synthetic clothing, like football tops or fleeces, works much better (as does some wool clothing).

Wear warm and long clothing (no jeans). It is necessary you are in a pair of full-length trousers and a long-sleeve top. The thin long-sleeve top will help protect against the sun and keep you warm and long trousers if out on the hill, will help protect against the risk of tick bites (your instructor will brief you about ticks as necessary).

Bring a hat (or two), gloves and a scarf. If it's looking like it will be sunny and hot, bring a sun hat. Or if it's more likely to be wet and windy bring a warm hat. Not sure what it is going to be like? Bring both.

A rucksack and a couple of plastic bags. Plastic bags will help to keep the contents of your rucksack dry on activities and are useful to put anything you don’t need in to leave at the centre.

You will also need to bring a face covering and hand sanitizer in case these are needed.

Remember to also bring your own packed lunch, a bottle of water (a litre bottle is recommended) and a flask filled with a hot drink. There will be the opportunity to refill your bottle at times during the day. Please avoid bringing food with nuts in as there may be other participants with severe allergies to nuts.

- How to prepare for your Adventure Day

Will food be provided? 

No food will be provided as part of our Adventure Days due to the current COVID-19 guidelines.

All participants will need to bring their own packed lunch, as well as a bottle of water; a litre bottle is recommended. There will be the opportunity to refill your bottle at times during the day.

Please avoid bringing food with nuts in as there may be participants with severe allergies to nuts.

What time do the Adventure Days start and finish?

Our Adventure Days will start at 9.30am and finish at 4pm.

We need participants to arrive at 9.15am to allow for Coronavirus screening and confirmation of emergency contact details. Full information will be provided when your place has been confirmed.

What are you doing to minimise the risk of COVID-19?

We are committed to minimising the risk of spreading the virus and are putting in the safety measures so we can work with young people again. We are continuing to monitor the development of the COVID-19 outbreak and have put together information that explains how we will adapt and continue to do this in a safe and appropriate way.

What do I do if I live in an area with specific/further restrictions in regards to COVID-19?

Before you book onto an Adventure Day, please check the latest government COVID-19 guidance. If you are from an area that is subject to further restrictions, unfortunately, you may not be able to take part depending on the guidance given. If you are unsure, please get in touch by emailing enquiries@outwardbound.org.uk.

If your area becomes subject to further COVID-19 local restrictions after you have booked and you think your circumstances have changed, please get in touch with us as soon as possible by emailing enquiries@outwardbound.org.uk as you may not be able to attend. We will provide full refunds to all those who can't attend due to COVID-19 local restrictions.

How many participants will there be in a group?

We are currently working towards having a group size of six: five participants to one instructor.

The group will have the same instructor for the duration of the day.

Where are your centres? How do I get there?

You can find out more information about where our centres are located, including full addresses and directions, on our centre pages.

Do you accept childcare vouchers?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept childcare vouchers towards payment of our Adventure Days.

I'm eligible for free school meals, why do I need to pay a £30 deposit?

A £30 refundable deposit is taken to ensure all young people who are booked onto a funded Adventure Day are fully committed so that they turn up or let us know if they're unable to come within 7 days so we can reassign their place to someone else who needs it.

You will receive a refund of your deposit within 28 days of attending the Adventure Day.

I'm eligible for Pupil Premium or Pupil Equity Fund, do I need to pay £30 or am I eligible for a funded place?

If you are eligible for Pupil Premium or Pupil Equity Fund, you will not need to pay £30, just the £30 refundable deposit.

My child isn't in mainstream education or requires 1:1 support, can they attend?

It depends on the reasons why your child is not in mainstream education. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer places to anyone requiring additional support or 1:1 support on our Adventure Days. This due to the limitations placed on us by Coronavirus guidelines.

If you are unsure, please get in touch by emailing enquiries@outwardbound.org.uk.

SA ullswater canoe from above 800x500
SA ullswater campfire 400x250
SA Ullswater boys running in lake 400x500
SA ullswater jumping off boat 400x250
SA ullswater scrambling 400x500
SA Cliff walking 800x500